Does Health Insurance Cover Chiropractors?-2024

Does Health Insurance Cover Chiropractors : You may be wondering that whether health insurance covers ‘chiropractors’ or not. The answer to this question is simply “YES”. The scope of the health insurance is vey vast and it covers generally all aspects of human health. The cost of chiropractic treatment is borne by health insurance.

It is important for a person to have a prior and clear understanding about all aspects of costs associated with the insurance scheme and moreover the coverage of individual’s health insurance differs from person to person. In this article we will learn about all aspects of chiropractic coverage by means of insurance.

understanding health insurance cover and chiropractors care

Chiropractic care enables a person to heal naturally and also provides mobility and flexibility in the body to make you healthy and stress free. When we talk about insurance its better to know all the things properly from the health insurer properly.

All plans whether individualized or co-cumulative have some specific criteria and schemes. Majorly health insurance covers neck and back injuries like CIGNA, BLUE CROSS SHIELD, UNITED HEALTHCARE AND MORE.

It is to kept in mind that you can not simply go for chiropractic treatment and demand for free cure as you posses health insurance , each and everything is based on certain criteria. Since insurance plans typically allows you to seek chiropractic treatment you must fulfill certain requirements.

  • Recommendation from a physician or a primary care chiropracter that you need medicinal cure.
  • You must receive cure from approved list of chiropracters.
  • Development of an active timeline and tenure that will depict the duration in which treatment can complete.

Health insurance coverage for chiropractic care varies and depends upon the plans that you have. It includes information about chiropractic coverage, number of visits, co-payments and deductibles and type of services taken.

types of health insurance covering chiropractic treatment

Managing your health according to your health insurance schemes is not an easy task, there are many options available and also the scope and coverage of health insurance covering chiropractic care differs in every aspect. We’ll explore the various health insurance plans and throw a light on what you can expect in terms of coverage of chiropractic care. Considering chiropractic treatment is a vey crucial option whether it is for existing period or for a wellness routine.

health Insurance Options for chiropractic coverage

You must know the insurance option very well for securing the care you need. There are various health insurance options available for those who value holistic cure and pain treatment management that can help you access chiropractic care.


1. Health Maintenance Organization: These plans require referrals from a primary care physician and it covers a limited area. However, this plan offers cost effective premiums.

2. Preferred Provider Organization: This type of organization provides flexibility to see chiropractors in both in- network and out – of network . In network chiropractic care comes with lower costs , PPO’s also provides the freedom to choose chiropractors outside the network

HIGHLY DEDUCTIBLE HEALTH PLANS– In this pre taxation of funds is allowed to cover chiropractic expenses. It is similar as Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).

  1. Medicare– Original Medicare Part (B) covers chiropractic care when approved by chiropractor including spinal adjustments to correct subluxation.
  2. Medicaid– This type of coverage care varies by state , you have to check you state’s medicaid programs for all the details and covered services.
  3. Supplemental Chiropractic Coverage– These plans are specifically designed to provide additional financial support for treatment.
  4. Chiropractic Discount Plans– These are membership programs that offers reduced rates when you visit participating providers off chiropractic services.
  5. Out-of-Pocket Payments- If you do not have insurance coverage and if you have exceeded your coverage limit of chiropractic care , you can pay for it out of pocket. It also offers discounts and cash payment plans.
  6. Worker’s Compensation- You are eligible for coverage through your employer’s workmen’s compensation insurance if your chiropractic care is related to work related injury.

It is very important to carefully review the details of your insurance plans including the coverage limit, deductibles, co-payments and all other requirements to find a best coverage plan that suits your chiropractic needs.

coverage differences between hmo’s, ppo’s and high-deductible plans

Understanding the differences between Health Maintenance Organization [HMO], Preferred Provider Organization [PPO] and High Deductible Health Plans [HDHPs] is very essential when you are selecting a health insurance plan . Following are the major differences between them :

HMO [Health Maintenance Organization] –

  1. Chiropractic Referral- HMO plans require a referral from a physician and without it coverage may be limited or denied.
  2. In-Network Providers- HMO’s covers chiropractic care when provided by in-network providers and if you are taking out-of-network chiropractors it may lead to increased costs out of pockets.
  3. Lower Premiums- It comes with lower monthly premiums but has higher co-payments and deductibles.
  4. Limited Flexibility– HMO’s coordinate care through a network of healthcare providers that leads to cost savings and it may limit choice of chiropractors.

PPO [Preferred Provider Organization]-

  1. Flexibility- Referral is not required you can see in-network and out-of-network without a referral.
  2. In-Network Savings- This results in lower out-of-pocket costs due to negotiated rates if you choose this method.
  3. Higher Premiums- These plans generally have higher premiums but they offer most extensive coverage options including the chiropractic care.
  4. Freedom Of choice- PPO’s offers a greater flexibility and do not require any referrals from chiropractors but this flexibility comes at higher costs.

HDHP[ High Deductible Health Plans]-

  1. Lower Premiums- Generally HDHP’s has lower premiums as compared to traditional insurance plans and it is an attractive option for those who wants to save premiums.
  2. High Initial Costs- Individuals are required to pay more out-of-pocket initially until the deductibles are fully paid.
  3. HSA Compatibility- It allows pre-taxation of funds, HDHP’s are often associated with Health Saving Accounts HSA’s to pay for chiropractic expenses.
  4. Chiropractic As a Covered Expense- HDHP’s often covers chiropractic care as a medical expense once you have met your highly deductible , you may be responsible for bearing full costs until you reach deductions


So, we saw in this article that health insurance covers chiropractic treatment costs but there are some aspects and criteria that you should keep in mind when taking this type of insurance . This differs from persons to persons and individuals paying capacity , moreover when taking a health insurance for chiropractic treatment you should have all the details of co-payments, deductibles and other associated charges.

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Sumit Jaisal is a professional content writer having 5+ years experience in the field of Finance. He obtained a degree from Banaras Hindu University with Finance as honours and successfully completed his Bachelor's, He holds a professional SEO 3 years experience in Off-Page-Content Writing Services.

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